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Becoming an International Student at RCSJ

罗文学院欢迎国际学生作为其多元化和全球化学习社区的宝贵参与者. 根据联邦法律,学院被授权招收非移民外国人作为F-1学生. International F-1 students must attend college on a full-time basis.​

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Diversity and Globalization

罗文学院是一所两年制社区学院,授予副学士学位,为学生转入四年制大学或直接就业做准备. 在考虑罗文学院时,未来的国际学生应该注意:

  • ​​​​​Rowan College is a commuter school. 没有校内住房,学院也没有任何类型的住房推荐名单. It is the sole responsibility of the student to find housing.

  • Private transportation is necessary. Public transportation is limited; a car is preferable.

  • Proficiency in the English language is a condition of acceptance. 罗文学院没有强化英语作为第二语言(ESL)课程.

  • International students are not eligible to apply for financial aid. 美国联邦政府和罗文学院都要求提供全额经济支持的证明.

Estimated Annual Budget

International students are not eligible to apply for financial aid or off-campus employment; therefore, they must enter ​​​​​Rowan College with full financial support. Listed below is the estimated annual cost of attendance:​

Annual​​​ Tuition & Fees​$5,550​$5,640
Books & Supplies​$2,000​$2,000
Cost of Living​$15,014​$15,014
​Total Expenses​$22,564
SEVIS I-90 Fee

Effective Sept. 1, 2004, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has implemented the SEVIS I-901 fee. 有关SEVIS I-901费用各方面的完整问题和答案列表,请访问 Student Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) website.​

Application Process

Rowan College is authorized by the U.S. 美国公民和移民服务局向希望在学院全日制注册的符合条件的国际学生签发I-20AB表格. This document is required to obtain an F-1 (student) visa. The U.S. 公民和移民服务局和罗文学院要求在I-20AB签发之前,在未来的学生被罗文学院录取之前,提供以下文件:

Complete and sign a ​​​​​Rowan College Application:

寄送完成所有高中(或中学)课程的正式成绩单, including Leaving Certificate or Report of Graduation. 所有文件必须翻译成英文,并由以下服务机构之一进行评估:
International Educational Equivalency Evaluation Services, INC.
Foreign Credentials Service of America
World Education Services or by an agency that is a member of the
National Association of Credential Evaluating Services (NACES).

You may use the agency, Spantran. To use their service, students must apply with the following link only:
SpanTran Application for RCSJ

Individuals who have completed university-level coursework outside of the U.S., and who wish to apply for transfer
of credit, must submit an official detailed evaluation of their transcript. 所有文件必须翻译成英文,并由以下服务机构之一进行评估:
International Educational Equivalency Evaluation Services, INC.
Foreign Credentials Service of America
World Education Services or by an agency that is a member of the
National Association of Credential Evaluating Services (NACES).

If transferring from another U.S. college or university, students must: 

1. Have an official transcript sent from their current U.S. college or university. 
2. Submit a copy of their most recent I-20AB. 
3. Have their Internatio​nal Student Advisor complete the F-1 International Stu​dent Transfer Form.
4. Submit a copy of a valid passport, visa and I-94. (I-94 is usually stapled inside passport.)
5. To transfer in previous college coursework, you must submit the Transfer of College Creits Request Form

Complete an Affidavit of Sponsor, 证明他们的担保人有能力并且愿意为他们提供在罗文学院学习期间的经济需求. 这包括住房、学费、书籍、用品和所有其他经济需求. International students may use the USCIS Form I-134, Affidavit of Support, Rowan College Affidavit of Sponsor Bank Statement Option, ​​​​​Rowan College Affidavit of Sponsor Annu​al Salary Statement Option and the Supplement Forms. 如果使用罗文学院的表格,担保人有两种选择. Option 1 is to be completed if the sponsor is using employment information. Option 2 is to be completed if the sponsor is using bank information. 在罗文学院资助国际学生的金额列在估计年度预算中.​

F-1学生在美国的工作机会有限. For this reason, before coming to the United States, F-1 students must prove they have the financial ability (e.g., 出示银行对账单)以支付在美国学习期间的学费和生活费.

English proficiency is required. 来自英语不是商业第一语言的国家的国际学生必须证明英语水平. New students should submit TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) scores. The minimum scores accepted are: 500 on the paper-based test; 173 on the computer-based test; 61 on the Internet-based test. 

国际英语语言测试系统(雅思)最低分数为5分是可以接受的. The following link provides institutions that accept IELTS, For information on how to read the scores, please click on

​​​​​Rowan College's Institutional Code is 2281. 转学生可以通过在sevp认证的学校成功完成强化ESL课程或大学水平的英语作文I来证明自己的熟练程度.​

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

Student Checklist for F1 Students

Student Checklist for F1 Transfer Students​​

罗文学院申请和所有证明文件应在7月15日之前由罗文学院学生服务办公室收到, or November 15 for spring semester applicants. Students currently in F-1 status who are transferring from another U.S. 学院或大学可以在学期开始前一个月提交文件.

Frequently Asked Questions

What documents are required to attend Rowan College?

NOTE: All international students should read the information provided on the U.S. Department of State website, about obtaining a visa. 某些国家可能会有特殊的指示或政策.


What is the cost of tuition?

The cost of tuition and fees at ​​​​​Rowan College may change annually. The current price per credit can be found in the College catalog. All F-1 visa holders must have a full course load of at least 12 credits, charged at the international rate, which is the same as the out-of-county rate. In addition to tuition and fees, the sponsor is responsible for books, housing, meals, transportation and other costs. Please refer to the Estimated Annual Budget.


When is tuition due?

Initial students entering the U.S. 参加罗文学院将被要求在注册时支付学杂费. 转学生应参考罗文学院网站了解付款截止日期.


How do students select their first courses?

持有F-1签证的国际学生必须在秋季学期和春季学期至少修满12个学分. Students follow the required course outline for the degree of their choice. 学生在完成学位课程的同时也可以选修其他感兴趣的课程. 有些课程必须按照特定的顺序学习,而另一些课程则可以不按顺序学习. 学院的国际学生顾问帮助学生选择课程.


Is student housing available?

Rowan College does not provide housing. Students must find their own housing.


Are meal plans available?

Rowan College does not offer meal plans. However, there are dining facilities on campus.


​Gloucester Campus
Christina Kulisek
[email protected]

Cumberland Campus
Office of Admissions

[email protected] 

Gloucester; Cumberland